Pay Policy | Part-Time Employees
For all employers, it is important to try and establish sustainable differentials between jobs - possibly by a process of job grading. The problem with differentials is that there is a dual perspective and the old joke is perhaps apposite: 'if I am paid more than you - that is a differential, but if you are paid more than me, that is a discrepancy.' A pay/benefits chart may also be helpful. Factors Unless there is a demonstrable process of job worth assessment, the 'seems about right ' method of determining a package may create problems. It may be difficult to substantiate differentials generated without, at least, an awareness of a number of factors. All employers should continually review their reward package which is determined by a number of factors. 1. The market rate - what other employers are paying for similar jobs in the locale. This can be determined from checking with the media, job centres, local employers' information exchange, industry wide information...