Complaints Procedure

1. In the event that any employee feels that (s)he has suffered discrimination in any way, the company's Grievance Procedure should be utilised.

2. If the complaint is against the employee's own immediate or other superior, confidential application should be made to [name/ position], who may authorise immediate reference to the next tier of management if this seems appropriate in the circumstances.

3. In instances of sexual harassment, as far as possible, the anonymity of the complainant should be protected.

4. Any employee who discriminates, bullies or harasses another, may be liable for payment of damages to that person, in addition to any damages payable by [the company] should it have failed to ensure the practice ceased forthwith.

Note Under the Criminal Justice Act 1994, a criminal offence of harassment was created. This could mean employees who harass or bully could be fined (maximum £5,000) and/or imprisoned (for up to 6 months). These sanctions were considerably increased by the Protection from Harassment Act which applies to the workplace, as well as elsewhere.

5. To make a complaint of discrimination, harassment, victimisation, on unfair treatment, it will be necessary to have available:

- details of what, when and where the occurrence took place;

- any witness statements or names;

- names of any others who have been treated in a similar way;

- details of any former complaint made about the incident, date, where and to whom made; and

- a preference for a solution to the incident.

Until a hearing is arranged, complainants should keep the matter confidential, other possibly than arranging for details of witnesses to be given to the [company contact].

Discrimination can be alleged by a person with no direct relationship with the Organisation, for example a job applicant. Recruitment, selection and interviewing criteria must be examined to ensure fairness. All applications should be recorded, that reasons for selection (and, more importantly, rejection) are shown and that a senior person should regularly monitor records to try to ensure appointments are made on the basis of skill, experience and suitability.

Such a policy seeks to make it a term of employment that employees (as well as the employer) may not discriminate. As such, infringements can be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure. The Employment Appeal Tribunal has suggested that to avoid negating the preservation of anonymity during tribunal hearings regarding sexual harassment, employers should consider protecting such anonymity during internal hearings. The fact that employees can become personally liable to pay compensation should they discriminate, harass or bully, should be made clear to the workforce, as this may assist the prevention of these offences.


Michael B said…
I am a sixty-three year old retiree. Several months ago I signed up with Market Force Information of 248 Centenial Pkwy, Ste 150, Louisville, CO, 80027(also known as certified Field Associates,) to do retail merchandising as an Independent Contractor. I have several years experience in this field, having worked as a Reset Supervisor and a Scheduler.

On 09/19/2010 I accepted a project, on very short notice, having to rearrange my personal schedule to do so (it was a Sunday.) This project required eleven hours to complete. I completed the project according to the exacting reporting requirements (they do not hesitate to threaten you with no pay if you don't fill in all of the blanks, dot all of the "Is" and cross all of the "Ts",) reporting online at 1:00 AM and mailing hardcopies (at my own expense) the next morning. I received notification that the material was received and correct.

Is has now been over eight weeks since the completion of this project and I still have not received any payment or reimbursement (I had to lay out $44.00 of my own money for this job.)

Upon making a phone call after a month, I was informed that I could not make an official payment inquiry until six weeks had passed. I made my inquiry after six weeks, but I received no answer until I sent three additional emails. I was finally told payment processing had begun. After several more days and more email. I inquired as to how long the payment process took, the terse reply was, two to three more weeks.

I have been working for the past forty-nine years, and I can say unequivocatively, that I have never been treated with such evasive disregard. I wonder how much extra interest they have earned on my wages by witholding my money after having been paid by their client.

I would like to take this opportunity to warn anyone else contemplating going to work for this company of their policies and procedures, and also, let the world know what a deceitful and unscrupulous organization they are, despite their ingenuous and lofty protestations.

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